NFP & NSP License Holder
As the Network Facilities Provider (NFP) and Network Services Provider (NSP) licenses holder since 2013, FGV Prodata had implemented several projects awarded by Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) under the Ministry of Communication and Multimedia (KKMM). Projects such as the MCMC Universal Service Provision Project, Time 3 Extension Project, and the National Fiberization Connectivity Plan Phase 1 (NFCP1) has been a good reference for FGV Prodata’s capabilities in the telecommunication sector.
Nurturing High Speed Connectivity Across the Country
FGV Prodata’s main objective in Telecommunications Solutions is to act in the customer’s best interest while gaining understanding of their telecommunications needs.
We manage the planning and execution of the projects and evaluates the current environment or design, solve any issues, and provides the latest in industry technology. This allows us to provide services that best fit the customers’ requirements and needs.
Our capabilities in the industry ranges from setting up the groundwork with the fastest cables and the shortest routes, building efficient telecommunications towers, preparing the towers with the latest technology available, and configure the setup with the best solutions for connectivity.